Danny J. Schultz Memorial Scholarship

    Danny SchultzThe Danny J. Schultz Scholarship was created to honor the life of Danny Schultz, who passed away on May 1, 2013.  He was a man who took extreme pleasure in helping others who were willing to help themselves.

    He believed that hard work and determination would create a satisfying and rewarding life for anyone who was up for the challenge.

    He also believed in keeping his word.  While he worked for Pepsi for 42 years, his family was the most important part of his life.

    He was the most loving husband, father, grandfather, son, and brother to his family who adored him and respected his values.  Find your passion and your career will flourish effortlessly.

    This scholarship was established by Danny’s wife (Kathy Schultz), daughter (Belinda McCarthy), and son (Chad Schultz) and has grown substantially with the proceeds raised by Danny’s friends who formed the Annual Danny Schultz Memorial Golf Outing.

    • A senior at Beloit Memorial High School or F.J. Turner High School
    • A student who will attend an institution of higher learning (Accredited Tech School, College, or University)
    • A student who recognizes the importance of academic achievements and community involvement”