Beloit Public Education Fund (Teacher’s Mini Grants)
The purpose of this mini-grant program is to provide School District of Beloit staff with funds to implement new ideas and opportunities for learning – beyond tax dollar support. Projects should pioneer new approaches and not merely repeat current practices. All proposals must be submitted online and the amount should be for $500 or less.
Proposal Guidelines
- Statement of Need/Opportunity: Provide a statement indicating the need or opportunity the proposed project will address.
- Objectives: Clearly state the project and its objectives making certain those objectives are both realistic and valuable. Describe any educational challenges to the students who will be impacted by this project (i.e. – What additional thinking and action will engage students? How will they be directed toward higher order learning?)
- Project Activities: Identify the project methods, materials required, personnel resource requirements and a tentative project schedule along with a completion date. Indicate how the proposed project innovatively addresses the described need.
- Evaluation: Describe the plans for evaluating the project. Explain how you will measure your success in meeting the stated objectives.
- Project Budget: Provide a complete project budget indicating how the mini-grant funds would be utilized. Be sure the budget is reasonable and sufficiently detailed. If additional funding is needed for the project, indicate where those funds will be obtained.
Awards vary based upon availability of funds. Awards may be used to accomplish the project and/or hire consultants to assist with the project. Proposals for equipment or field trips will be considered if the item or trip is an integral component of a larger strategy. Outside consultants and experts will only be supported if they are a necessary part of the overall objective of the project.
If you are considering purchasing curricular materials as part of the project, evaluation of the materials in question should be obtained by contacting the appropriate instructional supervisor for the School District of Beloit.
Awards from the Stateline Community Foundation may not be made to individuals and will be paid to the School District of Beloit.