Status Report 2017

Status Report 2015

2015 Women’s Fund Luncheon

Public Awareness Forums


Public Awareness Forums | Women's FundPublic Awareness Forums

The Women’s Fund of the Stateline Community Foundation invites you to attend a series of events featuring local professionals to discuss the hidden issues affecting women and girls.

As someone who cares about women’s issues, you won’t want to miss this series aimed at revealing hidden issues so that service agencies and funders can partner to address these emerging needs.

All panels are FREE no registration needed.

Beloit Public Library
Hendricks Meeting Room.
605 Eclipse Boulevard
Beloit WI


Mental Health | Thursday, April 23, 2015 — 6-8pm

How do adverse life events affect the mental health of women and girls?

Hear from a panel of mental health professionals regarding how homelessness, domestic abuse and social isolation can affect the mental health of women and girls.


Human Trafficking | Thursday, May 21, 2015 — 6-8pm

Who are the victims and who is at risk?

Information will be provided on the extent of the local population involved and what can be done to stop its progression.


Financial Security | Monday, June 8, 2015 — 6-8pm

Money $avvy: Promoting financial fluency for women.

Help women take charge of their financial life and learn various ways to address the cycle of poverty.


Women Helping Women

Girl-Who-Rock-Compress-2Volunteer today!

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin-Badgerland Council is seeking mentors for its “Girls Who Rock” Program, one of our 2014 grant awardees.

“Girls Who Rock” is an afterschool program championed by local female mentors who engage at-risk 5th graders in Beloit elementary schools. Its purpose is to build the courage, confidence, and character of young girls through hand-on activities, self-esteem building, and conflict-resolution skills.

Sessions run for six weeks and start throughout the school year in September, January, and March.

Mentors receive a one-hour curriculum training class and work with Girl Scout Program Coordinators.

To join and make a difference in a young girl’s life, contact Eliza Zimmerman today or fill out our volunteer form.

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Women's Fund - Volunteer

  • Please contact me about volunteering / mentoring.


Eliza Zimmerman
Program Specialist – Girl Leadership
608-362-8922 x3030

Women’s Fund Fundraising Luncheon – November 13, 2014

Please join The Women’s Fund of the Stateline Community Foundation for our first fundraising luncheon.

Thursday, November 13, 2014
12-2 p.m.

Country Club of Beloit
2327 S Riverside Dr
Beloit, WI 53511

Our Feature Speaker is Juanita Irizarry.

Juanita IrizarryJuanita Irizarry is the Statewide Housing Coordinator for Long-Term Care Reform for the State of Illinois. Before joining the Office of the Governor in early 2014, Irizarry served as program officer of basic human needs at The Chicago Community Trust.  

Previous professional experience includes: director of the Christian Community Development Association’s national training institute; adjunct instructor at DePaul University and Eastern University; serving as executive director of Latinos United (now Latino Policy Forum); directing the business development and homeownership divisions of The Resurrection Project; serving as associate director of Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation; conducting apartment leasing for Hispanic Housing Development Corporation; and coordinating programs at the Olive Branch Mission.

Irizarry’s leadership led to a gubernatorial appointment to the executive committee of the Illinois Housing Task Force. She currently serves on the board of the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness, the Metropolitan Planning Council Housing and Community Development Committee, and the Puerto Rican Agenda task force.  –

There is no charge for this event but you must RSVP to attend.

To can RSVP online or over the phone.  Call us at 608-361-8119.

We hope you can join us and hear about the great work the Women’s Fund has done over the last year!

Don’t forget to like us on FACEBOOK

Women’s Fund hopes to raise $100,000 to help local causes

BDN News

by Hillary Gavan
Aug. 28, 2014  read original

To respond to the needs of women in poverty, the Stateline Women’s Fund will be dispersing $8,300 in 2014 to groups helping Stateline Area women and girls.

Since its first appeal in 2012, the Stateline Women’s Fund has raised nearly $50,000 as part of its $100,000 goal, according to Women’s Fund of the Stateline Community Foundation Co-Chair Sandra Kincaid.

The fund approved giving $4,000 to Family Services, which will be used for a mental health therapist to work with women who have experienced trauma. It also will give $3,000 to the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for a pilot program to help young women attend beneficial programs and training. RSVP has a group of volunteer drivers who will help transport women and girls for training and programs.

The fund also will give $700 to Girls Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland Council for a six-week after-school program for at-risk fifth graders called “Girls Who Rock” to be implemented at four Beloit elementary schools.

And the fund will provide $600 to Project 16:49 to help the organization make a sequel to the first film shown at the Beloit International Film Festival. The film raised awareness of teen homelessness which affects 34 female students in the Beloit School District.

In 2011 the Women’s Fund was formed as part of the Stateline Community Foundation to help Beloit area women and girls move out of poverty to self-sufficiency.

“We believe that when women thrive, communities prosper,” Kincaid said.

According to statistics provided by the American Community Survey and the Wisconsin Women’s Council, more than 70 percent of Beloit households below the Federal Poverty Level are headed by a woman with a high school diploma or less. And only 57 percent of this group are employed.

Kincaid said 78 percent of children in the School District of Beloit receive free or reduced price lunches at school.

One of the biggest challenges to women in the Stateline Area, Kincaid said, is a lack of transportation to the programs designed to help them. Although there are federally funded programs available in the community, women simply can’t get to them as they aren’t on a bus route or have no vehicle.

And when there are programs or job training women can get to, there at aren’t any child care options available.

To help address issues the Women’s Fund will announce its first status report on women and girls in the Beloit area.

Information on the report will be provided at the Women’s Fund fundraising luncheon to be held on from noon – 2 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Country Club of Beloit. The speaker will be Dr. Juanita Irizzary, who will describe some of her work in poverty and basic human needs at the Chicago Community Trust.

“Our vision is to work closely with the service providing agencies to keep in touch with gaps in service and emerging needs. The Women’s Fund intends to be a catalyst for change, a convener of conversations resulting in actions to resolve problems,” Kincaid said. “We can do this through our public awareness forums, periodic status reports on women and girls and project grants to local service providers.”