Thursday May 9, 2019
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Beloit Club
A Survivor’s Tale
Advocate Against Domestic Violence
Teri Jendusa Nicolai survived the unthinkable. Her ex-husband tried to murder her by beating her with a baseball bat, stuffing her bloody body into a garbage can, driving her across state lines, and placing her in a storage locker in sub-zero weather.
Found 26 hours later, she was rescued less than an hour from death. Teri came from a loving family, was a college graduate, and on her second marriage.
She knew better than to willfully enter into an abusive relationship. How did she end up in this dire situation?
Now an advocate against domestic violence, Teri has appeared on Oprah, A&E Network, the JD channel, CNN and others.
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