Over the years, a number of people who share the goals of the Stateline Community Foundation have made generous bequests for the future benefit of our communities.

Their thoughtful gifts have contributed substantially to the growth of our endowment, enabling us to increase the scope and size of our gifts.

We are aware that some of our generous supporters have included the Foundation in their estate plans when reviewing and updating their wills. Some donors plan to add to an existing fund, while others will form a new named fund using planned giving vehicles, their wills, or life insurance policies.

The Foundation honors those who have made plans to assure an improving quality of life for the Stateline area by providing membership in the Stateline Community Foundation’s Legacy Society. If the Foundation has been included in your will or estate plan, or if you are considering such a gift in the future, we would appreciate knowing about it. We will respect any request for anonymity.

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