JoLyn Beeman was born in 1957. At her direction, this Fund was established upon her death in 1997. The JoLyn Beeman Memorial Fund gave its first grant in 1999 and has continued to do so each consecutive year. The Fund has underwritten a variety of projects in Rock County schools as well as the larger community. One of its primary aims has been to help as many children as possible. Some of the projects that have been funded include:

• Built a foot bridge over a creek and provided a nature trail for the disabled at Janesville’s 40 acre outdoor lab
• Provided bus transportation to the Welty Environmental Center for students at fifteen Beloit schools
• Purchased two cement picnic tables at JSOL
• Provided funds for special education students to redesign a courtyard at Janesville Parker High School

Beloit Schools-
• Playground equipment-Robinson, Converse and Hackett
• Da Vinci Room for the arts-Cunningham
• Band instruments for students-McNeel
• Reading crates with different STEM themes and books that rotated between classes-Todd
• Music recording room-Beloit Learning Academy

Janesville Schools-
• Playground equipment-Gaston and Wilson
• Kindergarten take home tote bags-Kennedy
• Classroom platform swing-Jackson
• “JoLyn’s Toy Chest” – for handicapped children-Jackson
• Level Book Library -Adams
• “Robots from Legos” science project-Van Buren
• Guided Reading Library-Powers

All grant applications must be requested by a teacher or leader helping to provide a way to enrich children’s lives in Rock County in the fields of education, recreation, sports and the arts and should not exceed $5,100.

Jo Lyn Beeman Memorial Children’s Fund