Community Impact Grant

The purpose and goals of Stateline Community Foundation’s Community Impact Grant Program is to provide financial support to the programs and services of charitable organizations or causes that enhance the quality of life in the Stateline Area.

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A Two-Step Process

STEP 1 — Submit a Letter of Inquiry through our online grant portal
STEP 2 — If LOI is approved, you will be invited to submit a full grant application

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Funds must be used for programs and services benefiting the Stateline Area
Awards vary, depending on availability of funds[/symple_column]

Letter of Inquiry

In this initial stage of the application process, the Community Foundation will accept Letters of Inquiry from all interested parties who meet the grant criteria. Letters of Inquiry will be reviewed and selected organizations will be invited to submit a Full Grant Application.

Letters of Inquiry must be received five (5) business days prior to the application deadline which is December 15th.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: You will be asked to provide the following information.

  • Your organization’s name
  • Your name and contact information
  • Project description
  • Requested Amount

Full Grant Application

If you are invited to submit a full proposal to the Stateline Community Foundation for a Community Impact Grant, the guidelines below will assist you in completing that proposal.

Proposals must be received by the Stateline Community Foundation by 5 pm on December 15.

When applying for a Community Impact Grant, include the following information:

  • Project summary. (Including evidence of need)
  • Project budget.
  • Project timeline.
  • Project benefits or outcomes in measurable terms. (Who will be better off and how?)
  • How are you working collaboratively with other local organizations to maximize the benefits to those served as well as resources obtained?
  • If the project continues, indicate future funding plans.
  • A current list of the organization’s officers and directors.
  • You should wait to upload files until you are ready to submit.

All grant applications must be submitted online.  If you have any questions, please contact Tammy at

The Community Foundation reserves the right to refuse unsolicited proposals.