The Fujikawa Family Scholarship
Edward and Joyce Fujikawa both started their teaching careers in the School District of Beloit in 1961. Edward taught at Parker and Robinson schools, and spent the following 28 years teaching at Cunningham School, retiring in 1992. Joyce taught at Strong, Converse, McNeel Elementary, Converse and Hackett schools, retiring in 2003. Joyce continued to work part-time at Hackett until 2020. During their retirement, Edward and Joyce volunteered many hours at Hackett to support staff, students, and their families. In appreciation, Hackett dedicated a garden, “The Fuji Farm,” to them in June, 2016.
Their daughter, Brenda Fujikawa, was born and raised in Beloit. She attended Converse, Lincoln Junior High, Aldrich and Beloit Memorial High schools. After graduating from UW-Madison, she began teaching in the Madison Metropolitan School District at Marquette Elementary School. After a two-year leave to teach in the Edmonds School District in Washington, she returned to Madison to teach at Emerson Elementary, where she worked until she retired in 2019.
Edward, Joyce, and Brenda value the education they earned that led them to become teachers as well as the importance of learning opportunities for all students. They dedicated their careers to helping others via classrooms and public schools. They hope recipients of these scholarships will be encouraged to pursue careers in fields related to education.
- Graduating high school senior
- Attending School District of Beloit
- Pursuing a career that benefits education including teachers, counselors, school nurses, or school psychologists
- (Preference will be given to School District of Beloit students)